White Corset Skirt

white-corset-skirt white-corset-skirt

I admit, these were taken just before bare legs were officially off the cards. I actually quite like a white skirt with opaque black tights though, and I don’t even hate those nude granny tights as much as everyone else seems to, so I can see myself repeating this outfit even in the horrible disgusting cold winter.

I bought this skirt in Topshop a little while ago. With the fact that almost anything I could possibly ever want is available online, and that so much of my shopping inspiration comes from The Internet, combined with my disdain for Oxford Street, it is rare that I go into physical shops on a whim, or without a specific item in mind. But every now and again, I’ll set myself a few quid aside and pop into Topshop, H&M, Mango, Urban Outfitters, and so on, do a big try on, and buy what I like the old fashioned way. Sometimes this leaves me with nothing but a feeling of frustration and a relieved bank balance, but other times it brings me out of my comfort zone a bit and inspires me to buy things that I might not have noticed on the store’s website. This skirt is also available in black, khaki and a grey check.

A special mention too to these forest green, scuba ‘sock’ style River Island boots. As I am easing myself away from trainers and into boots for the winter I have realised that all my best boots have quite substantial heels, and while I used to wear those all day long I haven’t in a while, and now all I care about is being comfortable, because I am old. At 3 inches these are a happy middle ground, and I definitely want them in black.

By the way, you can have a listen to my new monthly playlist here.

Jacket – Missguided* (similar / similar)
Jumper – H&M (similarsimilar)
Skirt – Topshop
Boots – River Island*

photos by Jordan Curtis Hughes / @jordhughesphoto

white-corset-skirt white-corset-skirt white-corset-skirt white-corset-skirt white-corset-skirt

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  1. mei 7 years AGO REPLY

    Love the skirt and also the whole look <3


  2. Jen 7 years AGO REPLY

    They look like the perfect boot! I am not a boot gal AT all, so I’m trying to work them this winter. Love this look!
    jen, velvet spring x

  3. Emma 7 years AGO REPLY

    Beautiful look, Hannah! I’m LOVIN’ that jacket xx

    Emma // http://www.brooklynisburning.co

  4. Lizzie Bee 7 years AGO REPLY

    I too buy most things online nowadays but it’s more the fact that I find it exhausting to go into shops and try things on, and I never seem to have a successful shopping spree. I do miss it though because, like you said, it’s nice to have a look at things you wouldn’t usually look at!

    Loving this outfit by the way. Would totally love to see you layer it up into a winter outfit!

    Lizzie Bee // http://www.hellolizziebee.com

  5. Lexi Lawrence 7 years AGO REPLY

    Obsessed with these photos!


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