I was definitely feeling a colour clash here – whilst I enjoy the subtleties of pairing black and navy, you can’t beat a more striking mismatch every now and again. I did that here in the form of this absolutely gorgeous navy roll neck jumper from Boden – definitely a good investment if you’re after a quality knit, and I really love the length of it – and bold mustard yellow duster coat from NaaNaa. To break up the colour clash slightly, I also wore a sleeveless tailored jacket with a simple black and white gingham print. I’m not sure this was really necessary, but I think it makes for a nice detail.
On my bottom half I kept everything simple with faux leather on faux leather, and accessorised with Marc B bag (I can’t stress enough how great this bag is for uni!) and very cool Gown & Oars watch. Let me know what you think!
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Nail stickers from Pretty Little Thing – cool right?