I’m not much of an exerciser. I break out in a sweat just standing still, I once took an actual nap in a PE lesson (again, really sorry to that poor student teacher), and I’m not even sure if ‘exerciser’ is a word. But last week, after years of ‘thinking about it’, I joined the gym. So, to ensure my fitness journey improves or at the very least continues to exist, I am extremely here for anything and everything that makes exercise or the idea of exercise fun and/or easier.
An invitation to check out the adidas Speedfactory could not, therefore, have come at a more perfect time. The Speedfactory is a portable factory, cleverly designed and built inside shipping containers. The whole operation can be packed up and transported from country to country. I popped along to see what it was all about down in Shoreditch.
The main purpose of the Speedfactory is to collect data and ‘co-create’ with its customers, which it does via various scanning stations. The face scan is just a bit of fun (but you will get a cool gif), the foot scan measures your feet precisely, and finally the test run allows adidas to learn about how you run, and feed it back to you instantly by simply scanning a code on your phone. Smart.
The adidas ‘Made For’ trainer, or AM4, is the first project of the Speedfactory. The AM4 LDN, which has proved insanely popular already (currently sold out online), is the product of consultation with a group of commuter runners from London, designed to meet the specific demands of the city.
In the future, Speedfactory plans to allow adidas to connect directly to each consumer to enable ‘ultimate tailoring’. I will be keeping my eye on what the Speedfactory creates next!
this post is sponsored by adidas
Photos by Tom Connick
Cool! 🙂