London Fashion Week has been and gone again. I’ve been to every season of fashion week ever since this blog became more of a serious endeavour for me, and was initially quite excited by the whole spectacle. You see fashion shows irl, you wear your best, most creative outfits, get photographed, hang out with your mates, meet new people, go to parties, and there is a certain element of status attached to doing all of the above within the confines of notoriously invite-only fashion week – what’s not to like? I ran myself into the ground for a couple of seasons, attending literally everything I could worm my way into from the early am right into the night, working, physically vomiting because I was so tired, and making sure I photographed what I wore and literally everything I saw on each day.
After a bit the novelty wore off. I do still really like seeing fashion shows, but I’m not important or cool enough to get invited to almost anything that I would like to go to. I don’t take this personally and I’m not complaining, it’s just a fact. I’m not ‘traditional’ media, I haven’t built my brand and my audience big enough to be noticed by the ‘right’ people, and I’m not the daughter of a rockstar and/or very rich person, so I don’t have the status that is required of those who generally sit in the front (or even the second) row of anything at the BFC space. I’ve also severed ties with the beauty brands who test on animals, who overwhelmingly provide the hair and make-up for fashion week shows, which means that I no longer get to attend or work at shows via those brands. That’s all fine, but it has led to fashion week (at least in the way that I tried to do it when I first had the opportunity) becoming quite tiresome. More importantly, I really don’t think that my audience, you lot, give two shits about whether or not I go to fashion week. So I’ve changed my tune a bit.
Some seasons I get to work over fashion week, some seasons I don’t. This season I attended a grand total of two shows and two presentations, because I really wanted to see them and was given the opportunity to do so (s/o Ashley Williams, Ashish, Le Kilt and Clio Peppiatt). On the Saturday and Sunday I sacked off London entirely in favour of a trip to Leeds to see my best friends, chose a Taking Back Sunday show over a fashion party, and spent time in between shows catching up with friends and hanging out with dogs, and frankly I feel much better for it. The purpose of my blog is to talk about clothes, make-up, music, and life in general in a way that is interesting to you, not to prance about showing off to industry types who don’t really value bloggers anyway.
In reflection of my most laid back fashion week to date, I wore my most laid back fashion week outfit to date. I borrowed this adorable puffer jacket from Lazy Oaf for my trip to New York and wanted one more wear out of it, so I paired it with my red pvc skirt, Big Love Records t-shirt, nude fishnets (complete with hole, sorry) and super comfortable Reebok Princess trainers.
Jacket – Lazy Oaf
T-shirt – Goodhood
Skirt – Zara (similar / similar)
Trainers – Reebok*
Bag – Urban Outfitters* (similar)
Choker – eBay
Photos by Mohammed at Comb for The Apartment